Detox in the comfort of your own home.


From the expertise and experience of Homefield Grange the ‘Homefield Grange at Home’ range of detox packages have been created to help create a ‘healthier you’ but from the comfort of your own home.

With fresh, organic, and natural recipes, sourcing and designing sustainable packaging were a key factor, with the final product looking to exude a rustic and natural feel. The packaging also had to quantify the storage needs whilst in transit and when stored frozen before packaging out to send to customers.

We sourced a range of kraft food trays and recyclable bottles which were branded in a refined style, based on the traditional style of a nutritional label design.


The Homefield Grange at Home logo identity has been created to form a stamp style icon that can be applied across all packaging and gives the products a retail farm shop feel. A bright and vibrant colour palette showcases the nutritional and tasty detox juices, soup and foods that you will be enjoying on your detox.

A range of on-going collateral has been designed, including screen printed outer packaging boxes, a welcome pack, protein ball packaging, supplement and Epsom bath salts packaging labels, social media posts, alongside the main food product packaging. I was also invloved in art directing the photoshoot.


