‘Everyone deserves a second chance’ – Supporting women to make positive changes in their life.


Based in central Reading, Elizabeth Fry House, a 24-bed Female Approved Premises, provides residential support and interventions to the widest range of women involved in the criminal justice system.

Through structured one-to-one sessions and a programme of rehabilitative activity, the intention is to increase women’s confidence and reduce re-offending, allowing, in time, for reintegration into society.

The modern identity created is bold & confident using a bright icon that symbolises the support and encouragement that Elizabeth Fry offer the women who stay at the premises.

The friendly and modern styling help bring the charity in-line with its core principles & vision, helping to raise awareness of the charity and generate funding, whilst creating energy and excitement to all people involved with Elizabeth Fry.

The website needed to be clear and concise and adhere to accessibility. A prominent donate button was key to try to drive donations. With the use of bright colours and bold typography and clear content and navigation the website has been a great success and inspiration for all people who access it, helping to generate more donations and raise awareness.



